Monday, August 10, 2009

smacked by a TV

where oh where have i been?

am waking up from a slumber caused by being smacked in the head by a huge TV.
my husband was lugging it onto the ute. it all happened so quickly.
as i decided to help him tie the nearly-1-ton appliance on the back of the truck its fancy
'gizmo-speaker-thingy' let me know it was unattached by kissing me right smart on the forehead. it flew down and put a shiner on my arm and then just hung from a cable.
gosh, it could have broken had it landed onto the driveway, darn...

all i could think of was "do i have a new hole in my head? did it hit my boob? are my toes still there?"

no new hole, boobs still sweet and safe, toes all there but needing a pedicure.

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