Monday, August 10, 2009

new website: rcFerg

have a new website now:

the past year has been full of great times and new creations for me.
i've discovered some new potential in my cyber skills and decided to find an easier web format to work with than the previous one for my website. this also means i had to either keep my domain name or go new.
so am keeping things simple and will no longer be using the alias 'Brightsideknitter' any longer.
it'll just be rcFerg from here on.
you can check it out and have your self a gallery visit through my pages on
and my knitting patterns for sale & for free.

everything on it is a work in progress, except my pdf patterns to download. but i'll keep posting new ones as they come around each season. this new website is so much easier to work on and edit as i'm the designer/editor/manager. love designing stuff so this has been a really fun cyber change for me.

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