Thursday, October 16, 2008

And another one on the way...

Am almost done with my newest design, a lush purple cardigan made with one of my favorite tweeds by Jo Sharp.

I couldn't resist the temptation to just dive into another one while still working on two others, but managed to finish this one first. When you become as addicted to knitting as I am, it really doesn't matter which one you finish first. I find that I'm most keen to keep the stash down to a reasonable level so that I can continue to buy more yarn, simple really. Any knitter would understand that logic.

And having several projects running at the same time--not to mention them running parallel to one's life, marriage, basic necessities of bathing, feeding, socializing, pet-loving, etc.--its 'all in a day's work.' And so very worth it.

I'm still having to put a zillion hours, and then some, into editing and updating my website. I've discovered that I need to fine tune the program I'm using as it's a new version that isn't completely compatible with some of the older versions of Windows. Oh well, its been like learning a new language for me so I just need to keep at it.

Am off now to tidy up, just a bit, before finding out how the presidential debate went down between Obama and McCain. I know who I'm for but as I live over here in the land of Oz, I found that the process for voting from here was going to be awkward, expensive and tedious. Just hope we are able to put a beating 'heart' back into the White House.


maryeb said...

Here's the link to add the stumbleupon button

First you need to join and download their toolbar. That info is here

I hope this helps :)

maryeb said...

That yarn is beautiful.
I look forward to seeing the finished product.

maryeb said...

I just stumbled your blog. You can have friends and family join SU and then they can stumble your blog and your website.

I'll wait to stumble your new website until you've had time to work on it some more.
It's really looking good.

Unknown said...

Stunning yarn! I used to knit quite a bit when my chilldren were tiny. I love Rowan designs but they never worked out as I would like them too so I gave up...should get my needles a dusting off and have another go.

Can't wait to see your website.


renee ferguson said...

thanx for the comments. am discovering some neat things that can be done with that stumble feature...
and am also going to ask Santa Claus to consider getting me one of those gorgeous corset mannequins made by Lucy. I just love them and your website is great. Shall be passing that one on to some fellow pals here in Oz.