Please visit anytime to see a showcase of my work and designs. I have knitting patterns for sale and free. I shall be adding to both these sections every fortnight so visit again and often to keep you inspired. Happy knitting! with kind regards, the BrightsideKnitter
How exciting. I'll take a look.
Your website looks great. I couldn't get the knitting link to work but the pottery is awesome!
Did you make all of those pieces?
Am still trying to figure out if I answer comments directly here or by email...am a rookie blogger!
yes, the pots and glazes are all mine and I so miss making more, but at the moment am focusing more on my designs for knitwear. The website's been fun to put together and a lot of work editing it all--my hosting company is going to help me fix the bugs and problems with images next week. Do stay tuned...
by the way, I just love the work you have on your site too.
Greetings, love your blog and your work is gorgeous. What a talent you are. So enjoyed my visit and look forward to stopping by again soon.
Adding you to my favorites!
Have a great day.
la rea rose
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