Wednesday, November 18, 2009

new studio, new kiln, new firing schedules, new shows, & new web site/design...and still testing it all.

ok, its mid November 2009 and I've got to admit I'm hopeless when it comes to bloggin' on a regular basis. Don't know how regulars do it. My days are filled with just that: daze. Last five have been early 5am's, kiln on by 5:30am to get some work ready for this weekend's show...and not even sure if I should try to uphold a standard to my ceramic pieces since I've had no time to consider one. I'll make the most of the show and sales on Saturday to try a new beer my husband has bought for me;)

Really, this year's been a bit of a blurrrrr, starting with a round the world trip to see family I hadn't shared space with in over nine years, then coming home to Oz to find a new direction and purpose to why I'm here. A few friends and family lost this year added sadness to all the sugar and making a June winter a different sort of hibernation. And now the mad rush to test clays, glazes and make my own mark out of it all over the next one to forty years.

Must get some rest for now. The mind is working on sifting new schedules to fit in a regular blogging habit. Only time will tell if this could be my new pass time.
Am also designing a new website, to be launched sometime next week at:

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