I have just checking in on my fellow For the Love of Bob team mates at Ravelry and oh my! What amazing energy and projects they came up with. They've carried the flag, the weight and the stamina of true Ravelympians. Go Team Bob knitters!
As for little 'ol me, well, must be fair and admit that I walked off the course. Yes, no injuries, no sore knuckles or overused tendons, just couldn't devote the three weeks to pure knitting. Am so sobbing about this as it would've been a true dream to ignore everything and everyone around me and just knit. I know you guys were able to not ignore and still include knitting into your daily routines which makes me wanna be you when I grow up.
But fortunately, am still married, my pets still love me and the antibiotics kicked in before this influenza type x managed to keep me from frogging.
And in the spirit of true yarning, I insist you visit the Ravelry pages to see what amazing things were knit in just three weeks!
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