Monday, July 28, 2008

Steep learning curve on the digi-net

Grey Oz-Henley
Originally uploaded by

Am blogging my Grey Oz-Henley mainly as part of my trying to figure out how to cross-feed Flickr to Ravelyr to my blog. Ayayayay!

Am a bit challenged in this area at the moment. I thought it'd be a sinch but is proving that I need to learn more about how my Windows Vista, or my particular computer, or mostly, me needs to be able to read how these panels can intertwine.

Am finding knitting a much easier task;)

Meet the Fergusons

Setting out to start your own business albeit a dream you are keen to make a reality is quite a luxury in itself. Affording the time and the energy from everyday life stuff to do this has defined 2008 for me. I quit my job last year because we were moving south, were going to build our house 'sooner rather than later,' and my husband had already got his promotion--which puts him on a 3hr commute each day. But as Life would have it, I like to think there are lessons to be had and learned and ours has come in the form of "no, you're not moving now or any time soon." So the Fergusons had a Pow Wow this past weekend to reconsider our options, wants and needs.

And this is what we've come up with:

Due to furry 'children' and an uncanny stash of yarn...we're staying put right where we are in the Illawarra for at least a few years. We'll build that house along the way, but for now, I'll go back to looking for work--and what's that going to do to my knitting schedule!--while commuting will just become a way of life. Perhaps upgrading the wheels to a find MV Augusta motobike or a Ducatti Primo will make the long trips more fun. The job already is.

And the knitting will fit in, that's for sure.

Here are some snap shots of the 'furry' children and my latest stash from and the sweet notions shop in Berry NSW called Sew and Tell have been my best finds here in Australia. Before that I thought I'd go crazy not having a good yarn shop nearby.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

le Cirque du Soleil a Sydney!

We went to the circus on Sunday. I bought the tickets six months ago and have wanted to see the Cirque du Soleil for almost ten years. My last chance was back in the days when I worked in Taiwan and my best friend was going to Hong Kong for the weekend to see them. I can't remember exactly why I didn't go then but seeing these amazing acrobats in person has always stuck with me.

So last Sunday I took my husband to the circus. And as I'm trying to come up with two new designs for my knitwear, I got a whole lot of inspiration from the weekend's events. The circus had so many fun color combos happening. The circus had lots of firey reds, oranges, golds and bronzes--blues of course--but I liked the warm ones. Perhaps its because its so cold here on the coast of the Illawarra where I live in Oz. Then there's the usual naturals I tend to go for; our walks on the beach with the dogs keep these natural shades of browns, blues and moss working their way into my work. And there's often some bit of very bright color that makes its way into one or two pieces when I remember to pull it out from my stash, kept from cats safely under the stairs.

So am going to use my inspiration from the Cirque du Soleil's Dralion acts for my Ravelympics project and use up a lot of the orange, bronzes, mossy greens and olives that I've started to stock up from Posh Yarns, Thicket, and "can't remember where I got it" places. What to do with it all will be the challenge for Ravelry's fun event next month. Shall post that project when the three week event is over;)

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Foto Days

I'd been meaning to get around to taking fotos of my work for almost a year now but once I get home, tidy up, love pets, etc., and I've made something hot to drink there's no getting me up from my knitting. But this week Divine intervention inspired me to do something about typing up my designs and taking fotos for near future postings. So here are just a few pieces I've done so far. Many more are in the makings but for now, am so thrilled to have kind of figured out how to blog. I love the absurd notion that there are viewers out there actually visiting my blog...perhaps someday.

Let me dream.

Hope you enjoy what I can offer for now.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Can't get enuf yarn to satisfy...

This past weekend has been a big one for me in cyberspace. I joined Ravelry. Wow! what a ride that is going to give me. And I set up this blog. That's big stuff for me these days.

Am working madly on a few knitted projects and my designs are proving to be more fun, more work, more challenging and more interesting than expected. I've invested in some lush yarns and its been well worth it. So the truth to any good project is in:

a) the design, and
b) the stuff its made of. Yummy yarn of your choice.

And there are some very, very nice yarns out there people.

Just wanted to add an image or two of what I'm working on in hopes that it will inspire any and all visitors to my 'new world' here in blog-space to pick up a couple of sticks or more and start meditating in the knitted fashion.

Here are some fotos of a delicious Jo Sharp DK Tweed cardi I made for a friend a few months ago.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Is there anyone out there?

Am blogging for the first time.

It's a bit strange as I haven't got a grip on how this works.

Are there any fellow knitting bloggers out there who can hold my hand, well, at least until I stop being a cry-baby for the first few blogs.
