Allan Caiger Smith
Originally uploaded by Martin Beek
We just got back from our holidays in the US and Scotland where we were able to make our way beyond Down Under.
It was very special for me as I'd been away for too long and hadn't seen my family and friends in years. And while catching up with everyone during our visits, I put 'shopping for yarn' aside and replaced it with eating. Yes, eating. We enjoyed sumptuous meals, shared with special people from California to Hong Kong; ooh, my mouth still waters when I think of the apple pie and various cakes had in the Blue Mtns of Georgia, the stone baked organic pizza in Maine, and that Peking Duck in HK...
But back to yarn related topics. Fate had it that I would literally stroll past the sweetest yarn shop in Edinburgh, the k1YARNS shop on West Bow. While driving from Glasgow to Edinburgh we missed a turn and ended up parking just round the corner from this precious little shop. Its on a steep, curved lane that begs you to just visit. So that's what I did and voila! I found myself smack infront of k1YARNS. Amongst many, this was truly a highlight of our trip for me.
Gosh, had to go in. So I asked David to go for several smokes and check out the local coffee shops for a bite to eat so that I could spend a good half hour with yarn. And that I did. I found the last skeins of a shetland wool from the Isle of Harris. Apparently they've been bought out by a developer who isn't interested in maintaining the flocks or wool industry so this is the last of what they have to offer. I ended up getting myself some lovely dark caramel skeins, and a light tweed gray. Then bought myself more awesome Scottish strands from Jamiesons and so far, have made myself two jackets that I shall complete next weekend and will show pictures of them here for you to enjoy. They'll be posted in the patterns section on my website too. I've also got some yummy St. Magnus angora yarns from Orkney to make a scarf out of...but am considering joining them to some silk strands I have from Posh Yarns to make a lightweight coat/cardi to lounge around in. Ha! who am I kidding?! like I have time to lounge around...but it doesn't hurt to wish for it nor to have another knitting project to love.